Soul Mate (Remix)

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Revision as of 16:16, 10 February 2021 by Ramon (talk | contribs)
Soul Mate[1]
Somewhere Out There
Original Broadcast Date
Joe Frank
, 30 minutes
Preceded by: Arena (Remix)
Followed by: Black Light

Can you believe that I had to wear my brother's hand me down jacket?.

"Soul Mate (Remix)" is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series Somewhere Out There. It was originally broadcast in 1994.


A woman talks about being disappointed with men who are either wimps or jerks, preferring the company of dogs, women, and gay friends, enjoying being alone. Monologue by an actress with an Irish accent in the second person: She has found racy magazines in her dormer's room. She accidentally read his journal, found it was about her. She admits to having feelings for him. She sings Misty, is greeted with applause and thanks the band. The woman from the start of the program, an ex-lover, leaves a long answering machine message combining angry accusations with a desperate party invitation. The Irish singer calls her Agent to complain about her hotel, the venues she plays, and they argue. An actress delivers a second person address: "you're the most beautiful man I've ever met," true love. Answering machine message continued: she burns a photo, sets her sofa on fire, threatens suicide, says, "I know you're my soul mate."

Interesting Facts

Shares material with "Emerald Isle" and "Thank You, You're Beautiful," and the original "Soul Mate." The answering machine message background music includes the strange funk piece with a high pitched voice-over from a previous program.


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External Links

Somewhere Out There

Arena (Remix) | At The Dark End Of The Bar | Bible Salesman | Bible Stories | Black Light | Blues Singer | A Call In The Night (Remix) | A Death In The Family | An Enterprising Man | Escape From Paradise | Eye In The Sky | Fat Man Down | Five Part Dissonance (Remix) | God Only Knows | I'm Not Crazy (Remix) | Joe Frank Live - Women Police Officers | Journal | Just Get Me Out Of Here | Justine | Last Show | Lost Soul | The Loved One (Remix) | Mountain Rain | The O.J. Chronicles | Obsessions | The Other Side (Show) | Pathology | Philosophy | Phone Therapy | Pledge Drive, 1996-02-12 | The Policemen's Ball (Remix) | Red Sea | Rent A Family (Remix) | Reprise | The River | The Road To Calvary | The Sacred | Soul Mate (Remix) | Talk To Me | Three Shingles | White Moon