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The Other Side
Original Broadcast Date
Larry Block, Jack Kornfield, Debi Mae West, Joe Frank
Karma Style, 59 minutes
Preceded by: Four Part Dissonance
Followed by: Summer Hill

"Malcolm's about to come home, and my friends just called and asked if we wanted to meet them at the Sky Bar."

Emptiness is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series The Other Side). It was originally broadcast on May 27, 2001.


  • Debi Mae West: meaning of life, need for purpose.
  • Jack Kornfield on emptiness.
  • Larry Block: fantasizing about a cross country trip ending at Joe's house and how Joe might react to the unexpected visit.
  • Debi in creative despair.
  • Larry on the guys in line at the bank, wishing he felt their joy and contentment.
  • Debi anticipating a three-week visit from her boyfriend's kids. Joe's not impressed with what he hears about Malcolm, seeing his kids just a few weeks out of the year and needing to have his wages garnished to support them.
  • Jack: it's now or never. Why he was drawn to Buddhism. Funny personal story about meeting his sister in law in New York, then driving a taxi in Boston; graduate school, trying to maintain serenity. The point: discovering that fleeing a painful family life and moving to Asia to become a monk is not the same as banishing anger and pain and emotion forever.
  • Larry: feeling like an utter failure. Joe is completely behind him on this.
  • Debi: where is Malcolm? He's late. She feels threatened by his ex wife. Yet she's considering marriage. She sand Joe discuss Malcolm's future. Malcolm finally arrives.
  • Jack: fear underlying all dukkha.
  • Larry: feeling generalized rage.
  • Jack: more on pain. Emily Dickinson quote.
  • Larry: doing badly, switched to vodka, ran out of Valium.
  • Jack: concluding thoughts.
  • Larry tells a few jokes and has to explain them for Joe.
