Another Country (Part 1)

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Revision as of 17:54, 17 February 2018 by Ramon (talk | contribs)
Another Country (Part 1)
Work In Progress
Original Broadcast Date
Joe Frank
1 hour
Preceded by: When She's Asleep, She Looks Like An Angel
Followed by: Another Country (Part 2)

"Another Country (part 1)" is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series Work in Progress. It was originally broadcast in 1986

See also Another Country Part 2) and Another Country (Part 3)


The story of a Jewish man with a depressed mother. He thinks of persecution of the Jews throughout history. He gets a job in advertising for a weapons manufacturer. He starts a relationship with a married Yemeni woman. They go to a film festival in Europe together. They fight over her interest in clothes, violence and anti-Arab themes in US movies. They attend a party with exiles from the Palestinian resistance. They choose and decorate an apartment together. He finds work with an fraudulent out of state video production company, then gets a job with B'nai B'rith. She helps found an Arabic language institute which fails, takes several language jobs. They go to a beach resort, skinny dipping at a campsite, and to a wildlife reserve with wild horses. She throws parties and dances. They fight over middle east politics. He's given the job of generating PR to support the invasion of Lebanon.

Interesting Facts


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