Talk:Talk To Me

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There seems to be some confusion about this -

I've got two recordings, both of which were labeled "Talk To Me" (by someone other than me.

One of them appears to be nearly identical to a recording labeled "Either Or," and it includes both a looped audio track in which a woman addresses a mime and says "talk to me" repeatedly, and a performance piece entitled "Either Or." (Is the "talk to me" vocal track included in Either Or? I'll check when I get a chance.)

The other one is completely different, and is similar to old description that was here.

It seems that either there are two programs called "Talk to me," or else someone mislabeled something along the way.

We should look into it a bit further, I think. The recordings I've listened so far to don't include announcer titles, but I may have other copies to check.

Shiro 20:16, 16 Mar 2005 (PST)

I checked that the stream agrees that Talk to Me is the mime program, and I can't find mention of another program with the same name I supose we're probably both listening to the same mislabeled recording.

Looks like the other program is probably At Last.

Shiro 20:54, 16 Mar 2005 (PST)

A while back I noticed that KPFA would play a Joe Frank show and mistitle it. This happened several weeks in a row. Now I do not usually listen to Joe on KPFA (my schedule just does not work.) But if they have mislabeled tapes maybe those came from Joe or some distributor and so mistitleing may be quite common. I'm in the slow process of listening to all my Joe shows and will match them up with this wiki's descriptions.

Jaanton 09:50, 17 Mar 2005 (PST)