Holy Land

From The Joe Frank Wiki
Revision as of 08:36, 24 March 2021 by Ramon (talk | contribs) (unid'd template)

I'm in the Garden of Eden with Eve, she's naked.

Holy Land[1]
The Other Side
Original Broadcast Date
Arthur Miller, Larry Block, Farley Ziegler, David Franks ,Joe Frank
Absurd_Monologue, Improv_Actors, Found_Tape, 58 minutes
Preceded by: Higher Learning
Followed by: On The Edge (Remix)

Holy Land is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series The Other Side. It was originally broadcast on November 14, 1999.[1]


First person account of Adam and Eve. Joseph as a resentful father. A woman complains about doctor's bills for a long list of procedures. A man talks about achieving immortality through what we leave behind. Larry complains that Joe didn't use his material a program about pilgrimage, says that Joe is bullied by Arthur Miller into using his material. Arthur makes fun of Larry for doing research in preparation for a program, says that Larry may be able to act but cannot improvise, then praises himself and threatens to quit unless he gets more money. A man talks about experiencing the spirit of the dead. Prank telephone spirit medium / preacher calls. Preachers speak, offer prayers. More prank calls. A woman talks about experiencing bliss.


This is an incomplete record of the music in this program. If you can add more information, please do.

Shared material


    1. Two shows share this air date on joefrank.com; this and Higher Learning.