
From The Joe Frank Wiki
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"One, two o'clock in the afternoon, after calling these major motels where I wished I could have stayed..."

In The Dark
Original Broadcast Date
Unknown, Joe Frank
Real People, 27 minutes
Preceded by: Jerry's World (Part 3)
Followed by: The Last Run

Loner is a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series In The Dark. It was originally broadcast in 1994.


A man talks about his life. A futile search for his motel. Paranoia, getting bad vibrations from people, being taken as gay. He declines an offer to go into town, avoids a car crash. He's introduced to a transvestite in a Paris bar, wakes up in a strange car having been robbed. Creative women are hard to find. Driving around with a couple of drunk women, hitting an owl, making crafts out of its carcass. In-home nursing for people in the Castro, experiences in San Francisco, living in the Tenderloin. Wanting to travel, make art. Blacking out on a bus and waking up under a truck in an olive field. Paranoia. He'd give up drugs if he met anyone with similar interests. Going out with gay nurses at work. Drugs and gambling.
