
From The Joe Frank Wiki


A very popular program. The timing of the preacher interview is sometimes hilarious. Is the preacher played by one of Joe's regular cast members?

Joe seems to have a fascination with nature shows. He has said in another program that they're all basically about violence, sex and death...which when you consider it is mostly what Joe's stuff is about.

Do you know the key to comedy? ... Timing.

'Preacher:' "I don't need no Canadian money, but I know someone who does."
'Joe:' "A Canadian."

This would make a great introductory program were it not for the old man sucking on the young woman's breast and the opening remark about casual oral sex with an intern. Then again, I'm looking for a program I can use to introduce my mom to this stuff. Maybe I should let that idea go. - Spblat (talk) 21:38, 5 February 2005‎


The preacher is played by David Cross, of Mr. Show and Arrested Development fame. He also appears on "The O.J. Chronicles". - Misroi (talk) 10:36, 25 January 2006‎


This is a hilarious episode--one of my favorite examples of Joe Frank satire. The preacher is played by comedian/actor David Cross, who also performs in the The O.J. Chronicles --another great show. - willingh (talk) 23:16, 2 August 2009‎