Talk:Pledge Drive Rough Cuts

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Christine's comment about people discovering Kornfield through Joe's programs is startling. I've always interpreted much of Joe's Karma style work as a brutal critique of the Kornfield world view. Without Joe's montage and Larry in the role of the anti-Korn (to use his phrase), there's nothing particularly compelling about the Kornfield audio. I would expect very little overlap between the audience appropriate for a straight Kornfield lecture and the Joe's following. - Shiro (talk) 16:56, 17 April 2005‎


I tend to see Kornfield's segments as a calm answer to the pain and misery in Joe's programs. When I think about it, I guess I see it the opposite way: that Kornfield is the "anti-Joe", the "anti-Block", the influence that lets me take a deep breath and feel like there is peace and hope and serenity to be experienced in the world after all. But I definitely agree that someone disposed to listen to pure Kornfield would be startled and horrified by the rest of this stuff. - Spblat (talk) 14:25, 24 April 2005‎