Talk:Black Hole (Remix)

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This description is from the Reminder, which doesn't reference any remix. Does the remixed version on Joe's site match this more or less?

Spblat 22:58, 24 Feb 2005 (PST)

Confirmed - it's the same program. The stream at, the CD from, both titled "Black Hole (remix)", the realaudio file from the old KCRW website, and a recording from tape labeled "Black Hole / 1984" are identical. I believe they're calling it a remix because it's entirely made up of material from earlier programs.

Shiro 02:02, 6 Mar 2005 (PST)


This is one of the best radio play programs to introduce to newbies. Of the three different programs containing the same material (with A Tour Of The City (Part 1) and Nightride), this is the the most humorous and upbeat. Absent is much of the husband and wife dialog, and the structured narrative that is apparent in A Tour of the City. Instead we're treated to a series of scenes which seem to be connected only by a common tone. Although some beautiful acting has been removed, I prefer this tighter edit. - Shiro (talk) 05:03, 11 March 2005‎


There's a track from Tangerine Dream's "Exit" CD in here. Someday we should try to catalog the loops. Gah...