Karma Don't Deny Me
From The Joe Frank Wiki
"Karma Don't Deny Me" is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of The Other Side (series).
- Larry Block - Woman who lives in the same building is an alternative healer and believes a conspiricy blocks that and Larry argues with he wife about it. Later, Larry has the healers try to cure their dog, but that doesn't help and Larry feels vindicated.
- Jack Kornfield - A different world.
- Mike Malone - Distracted state leads to an encounter with a man who wants to tell his fortune while touching him. Then offers a stone for improved sexual function. Offers $25 for the readings, but the fortune teller points out a price list that lists $60. Stressful ending and possible magic cursing.
- Kornfield - Meditation on a difficult situation. Divinity within us.
- Long ago, Joe taught at a school and fantisied about other teachers. Dating Kim the kindergarden teacher (this sequence appears elsewhere also.) Another date with a co-worker and an encounter with a drunk person which runed the evening. The micro-cosmos and macro-cosmos.
- Kornfield - Suffering enough - Everyone betrayed - Turning toward forgiveness - Wishing Loving Kindness to All
- Larry - Tells a story of a faith healer.
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