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"Warheads" is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series WBAI And NPR Playhouse.


Weapons dealers and a low level terrorist in a conference call: Hair gas, petty revenge via cab driver, electric and electromagnetic warfare, sterility warfare and unborn casualties, boomerang missiles, uniforms that look like civilian clothing, psychological warfare by placing speakers under children's pillows, getting recognition for killing people; a strange woman get mixed up in the phone call. Monologue: description of Kathmandu: animals are allowed to do whatever they want, finding a cheap hotel, an English and a Malay drug dealer get into a fight in the lobby. Monologue: Joe is picked up by a hippie while hitchhiking across the country, argues with truck drivers, gets into a chase.

Interesting Facts

Long-time collaborator, Larry Block and others play the arms dealers


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External Links

WBAI And NPR Playhouse

Across The River | Adventures Along The Spectrum | An American Hero Workshop | Arena | Bedtime Stories | A Call In The Night | The Death Of Trotsky | The Decline Of Spengler | The Eighty Yard Run | The End | Jewish Blues | Joe Frank In Concert | Laughing Back - A Movie For Radio | Lies | Pilot | The Queen Of Puerto Rico (Show) | Questions | The Rare Recording | Sales | Summer Notes | Till You're Gone | A Tour Of The City (Part 1) | A Tour Of The City (Part 2) | Warheads | White Elephants