Bible Salesman

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Bible Salesman[1]
Somewhere Out There
Original Broadcast Date
February 11, 1996
Joe Frank
Absurd Monologue, Narrative Monologue, 1 hour
Preceded by: Obsessions
Followed by: The Sacred

"A lot of people refer to other people as 'larger than life'."

Bible Salesman is the name of a program Joe Frank produced as part of the series Somewhere Out There. It was originally broadcast on February 11, 1996.


Being larger than life. Selling adulterated bibles door to door. Hiding religion from an atheist, Marxist mother and a father who cooperates with HUAC. Pimping for nuns. Dealing with an alter-boy who stiffed Joe on a drug sale. Wondering the countryside living in the moment. Being tied to a stake on a raft drifting down a river in a surrealist jungle. An elderly woman as a pinata, a wedding party that ends in bloodshed. Unquenchable crying in a therapist's office. Finding the Roman catacombs and meeting Jesus in water skis. The search for enlightenment. Beginning the journey to the sacred in a restaurant where a waitress is distracted by Micheal Bolton. Is it better to be resent being unhappy or to not care. Does nature abhor a vacuum. The unexamined life. Playing Christ in a tableau vivant production.

Interesting Facts



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External Links

Somewhere Out There

Arena (Remix) | At The Dark End Of The Bar | Bible Salesman | Bible Stories | Black Light | Blues Singer | A Call In The Night (Remix) | A Death In The Family | An Enterprising Man | Escape From Paradise | Eye In The Sky | Fat Man Down | Five Part Dissonance (Remix) | God Only Knows | I'm Not Crazy (Remix) | Joe Frank Live - Women Police Officers | Journal | Just Get Me Out Of Here | Justine | Last Show | Lost Soul | The Loved One (Remix) | Mountain Rain | The O.J. Chronicles | Obsessions | The Other Side (Show) | Pathology | Philosophy | Phone Therapy | Pledge Drive, 1996-02-12 | The Policemen's Ball (Remix) | Red Sea | Rent A Family (Remix) | Reprise | The River | The Road To Calvary | The Sacred | Soul Mate (Remix) | Talk To Me | Three Shingles | White Moon